My Birthday present from France...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I woke up on Sunday morning and was quickly greeted by others with a "Happy Birthday and look outside!" It snowed here! Now this may not be that big of a deal but since arriving in France I have only seen a few flurries of snow and nothing that actually has stuck to the ground. As a girl who spent most of her life in a climate that includes a snowy winter it was pretty fun to wake up to snow on my birthday.

James said that the snow was incredible and I told him that incredible things happen on February 5th (I was proud of my quick wit)!!

I told James that I wanted to walk to the bakery just so I could be outside in the snow for a short while. Everyone was happy with this decision as it meant that they didn't have to go out in the snow and would still benefit from a delicious breakfast from the bakery.

I put on all the winter gear that I have here in France and ventured out.
The street right outside the house

Lots of snow, I had to walk in the tire tracks as there were no shovels in sight

Once outside I was surprised by how much snow had actually accumulated. It was probably 4-5 inches. The roads and sidewalks were snow covered and the few cars I saw out were having trouble getting around. From what I had been told, when it snows any amount more significant than an inch, people in this area of France really react and tend to stay home.

I arrived at the bakery, got all of the goodies for the morning and made the trek home.

The beloved bakery

For the most part I enjoyed a lazy day but spent a little bit of time playing out in the snow.

James getting his snow gear on. Good thing he got that hat for Christmas last year while in MN!

Maëlle trying to attack her Dad

Based on this face you may guess that her Dad won!

Maëlle and Milan in full snow attack mode

James figured out that digging a hole like a puppy created a full force attack

Snow pig pile
The plan was to build a snow man but the snow wasn't sticky enough to make that happen. We still had fun time!

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