Summer has arrived

Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer is in full swing here in France, finally!!! We had a very L-O-N-G spring so it is so fantastic to be enjoying summer!

Our summer will be overflowing with magical things, including a trip back to the states to celebrate some very big family events! So while the countdown is on for us to jump the pond, we are definitely finding ways to enjoy our time together here too.

Here are some of the highlights so far, there will absolutely be many more to come!

Enjoying the hammock at a friend's home.  I think everyone should have one of these!

Fireworks that we were able to watch from our balcony. It was no 4th of July celebration but it was still great.

  BBQs with family.
 Adventure walks, Indiana Jones style
 Exploring new places
 Dinners outside with the beautiful sunset

A picnic at the lake and finding things I love about him more and more as each day passes!

I hope that you are all having a great start to this summer season, it goes by so quickly!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update of "Life in France", I check this often and always look forwarding to reading and seeing new photos/updates. Thanks for taking the time to keep all of us back home - in the states up to date with you,James and Maelle life happenings. We're all looking so forward to you, James and Maelle visit back to MN. Until then.....sending lots of love & hugs
    love, miss ya
    Mom & Dad
